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Published: at 03:30 PM

Hey guys, it has been a while since I had last posted and I wanted to update that I’ve gotten some new domains and i’ll explain how i got them, and how you can get some for yourself!

you have to be 13 or older to do this

The main reason I have got them is that last year (specifically my 7-8th grade year) I had to use owned the domain but then that had expired so, I had to go back to using

Hackclub Highseas

I have gotten the domains by using Hack Club’s YSWS “High Seas.” You basically add a programming time tracker that tracks you, then you go into the High Seas website and draft a ship (ships are projects). Then, it goes to the Wonderdome, where others vote on which of the two is better. After a little bit, you earn doubloons, which you can spend in the shop.

For me, on the other hand, I created my project, which was an off-brand Spotify redesign. The base took me 12 hours and rewarded me with 160 doubloons. I spent 40 doubloons for a domain under $10 at and bought two: and I don’t have a nice use for the .fyi domain, but they expire next year.

Hackclub Nest

Hackclub Nest is a free program that provides students a Linux server to host anything they want. However, there are some limits and a Policy will have to followed in order to keep your server. You can follow a quickstart guide on their website. Additionally, they also provide emails under eg., [email protected].

Github Student Education Pack

Github’s Student Pack is the best one out of the two, I had used this to obtain my domain and, this also gives students many more benefits. ( you can view all of the benefits here )

Steps to apply:

  1. Create a GitHub account
  2. Open the Education Application
  3. Apply for it, and wait until they accept you
  4. Get the Namecheap Offer

after that you can follow my other blog post setting up the domain on cloudflare.